Manica Maver

Photo: Foto: osebni arhiv
Manica Maver, a teacher at Slovenian highschools in Trieste, graduated in Slovenian and English from the Faculty of Literature and Arts at the University of Trieste. She was awarded a Masters degree in Forms of Speech at the Academy of Theatre, Radio, Film and Television (AGRFT) in Ljubljana. She pursued her education in theatre pedagogy, drama writing, and radio plays. She works as a speech and theatre educator with children and youngsters. For years, she has been running various youth drama groups and worked on Mala gledališka šola [Summer Preschool, contrary to its name aimed at school children and youth] with Matejka Peterlin in Trieste. She is the artistic director of Radijski oder in Trieste [literally translates as Radio Stage, this is an NGO producing radio plays and other programmes in Slovenian language which air on one of the staions of Italian national radio]. She also acts, directs and writes scripts for Radijski oder. She published a manual for community theatre facilitators called Luč na odru [Light on Stage].

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