Tamara Matevc    

Aus Anstand - La Siesta A Light-Hearted Story About Saving the World

Year of writing: 2012
This grandiose and complex mix, using incredible imagination to freely turn over motifs from classical and contemporary imagery, stories from everyday life and the current social field, fiction and philosophy, probably won’t find its way to an actual stage easily, despite its staging potential. However, it definitely deserves attention, not least because of the pleasure it offers.
Total cast size: 6 (2 f, 4 m)

+ baby, a tiny curly-haired boy, the voice of Berta Ocvirk, two Chinese boys, aged 3 and 4 years, 12.000 visitors of a horse race and 12.000 Chinese people

drama, comedy, fairy-tale for grown ups
class and cultural criticism of the society

On a gorgeous spring day an elderly man is putting on home-made wings in order to fly up to heaven after his well performed service amongst the Earthlings. But he is interrupted by an unexpected visit from God. With friendly conversation, sugar-coated with kindness and moaning, intoxicating biscuits and drinks, God makes him stay and tilt the world into a new, better era.

The play uses various strategies and methods to renounce the VAT doctrine, the doctrine of alarm-ism, crisis-ism and catastroph-ism, all of which constantly pressurise us to hurry …, hurry with whatever it may be, we should hurry or else it will be too late and the least that could happen is for the world to end, the world we were all forgotten by in the year of the Lord 2012 …

RUDI ŠTAJNER: Could you hold one suitcase?

JAHVE: They have planted the head priestess' granddaughter on me.

RUDI ŠTAJNER: And the box with books, if it is not too much to ask.

JAHVE: A totally inept child.

RUDI ŠTAJNER: Have I overloaded you?

JAHVE: Anyway, she truly has an angel voice – like all her female descendants – but as far as it goes, a totally inept child.

RUDI ŠTAJNER: Should we leave through the embrasure or through the door?

JAHVE: On her own she is lost. She got a madly demanding task.

RUDI ŠTAJNER: Well, let's leave through the door as human beings ...

Anja Bunderla

Aus Anstand – La Siesta A fairy-tale for the grown-ups

Language of translation: English

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