Wild Child In The City
young adults, grown-ups
grown ups, youthWILD CHILD IN THE CITY, is an absurdist comedy chronicling writer-performer's quest to find a livable apartment in New York City. Directed by the immersive theater expert Ana Margineanu, the show is structured to invite interaction with the audience and transform viewers into active participants. The piece combines the writer-performer's European sensibility and Kafkaesque sense of irony with down-to-earth toughness of a New York single girl who’s seen it all. It is a story so unbelievable, twisted, and smelly that it must be true. The writer-performer recalls top 10 experiences that occurred in her roughly twenty-five different rented apartments in New York.
TJASA storms into the theatre lobby. Angry viewers waiting to be let into the theatre. Tjasa is
shouting from the back, making her way through.
TJASA: Hey guys, sorry I’m late! I’m so sorry. Two cops and two detectives just left! Did you
see my facebook status? Did you see what happened? Did you see me on the news?
So I’m drinking at a bar on LES with my friend Stacy, excuse me, can you hold my bag (to an
audience member in the first row) and jacket (handing them piece by piece), and… I get a phone
call from my roommate Kathleen. She never calls!
So I’m like: “What’s the problem now? I forgot to wash my dishes?”
Kathleen: Yo, there’s a guy in your room, he says he is your boyfriend.
Tjasa (to the audience): What?! Ahm-No! I don’t have a boyfriend, I’m not dating anybody,
nobody knows where I live. I mean I haven’t brought anybody home, cause I just moved to this
place… so…NO! Call the cops!
I’m freaking out right now! Who is this guy? Do you think he’s a stalker?
I get home, both of my roommates are there-exasperated. Kathleen and Andrew. There are also
two cops there, then two detectives arrive and at 3.30 in the morning the fingerprint guy comes
to take my DNA.
So apparently, what happened was: some guy climbed the fire escape and let himself in through
our living room window.
A few seconds later, my roommate Andrew is coming home. While Andrew is shuffling the keys
trying to get in, the thief looks left, looks right and runs into the closest room, my room!!
Andrew gets in, goes to his room, sits on his bed to take off his shoes and he hears some kind of
tiptoeing and weight shifting and then THE GUY walks INTO Andrew’s room like this (going to
an audience member in the first row, shaking hands introducing)
THE GUY: Hey, I’m your roommate’s boyfriend… she just left me here to hang out... She’s probably out with somebody else right now and she probably has a crush on you…
Wild Child In The City
Language of translation: EnglishДИКАЯ ДЕТКА В ГОРОДЕ
Language of translation: RussianPrior to any use of this author's original work, please familiarize yourself with Slovenian Author's and Cognate Rights Law and make sure you abide by it!