Evald Flisar    

What about Leonardo?

Year of writing: 1992
"The current human condition is such that the sense of intuition and the sense of feeling have drifted from conscience into the subconscious, and so humans connect to the environment only via their sense of thought and this sense is labelled as ‘me’.”
Total cast size: 13 (5 f, 8 m)
drama, tragicomedy
ethical dilemmas, scientists, absurd, mental illness

The action is set in a psychiatric institution where scientists (in this case dr Hoffman and dr DaSilva) try to help patients suffering from a variety of issues and symptoms to find their way back into ‘normality’. The central question of the play is what makes us what we are and when and why does it sometimes occur that the environment or the society, fuelled by greed, simply ‘consumes’ certain individuals. The play touches on the questions of ethics and responsibility.

Ann Catrin Apstein - Müller

Und Leonardo?

Language of translation: German
Graz: Theater im Keller 2012
Maryna Pyatrova


Language of translation: Belarusian
Vitebsk: Kolas National Theatre 2013
Biswendu Nanda, Sunandan Roy Chowdhury

Kemon ache Leonardo?

Language of translation: Bengali
Kolkata: Firma KLM 2002
Rangga Bhuana

Kenapa Leonardo?

Language of translation: Indonesian
Jakarta: Yayasan Komadjid 2008
Hallmar Sigurdsson

Hvađ um Leonardo?

Language of translation: Finnish
Reykjavik: Borgarleikhúsiđ (City Theatre) 1995
Hidenaga Otori

Leonardo wa doddai?

Language of translation: Japanese
Tokyo: Gessyoku Kagekidan Theatre 2008
Dejan Krstović

A Leonardo?

Language of translation: Serbian
Zaječar: Pozorište Zorana Radmilovića 2002
Evald Flisar

What about Leonardo?.

Language of translation: English
London: Goldhawk Press 1992
Evald Flisar

What about Leonardo?.

Language of translation: English
London: Goldhawk Press 1992
Diomira Fabjan Bajc

E Leonardo, allora?

Language of translation: Italian
Salerno: Multimedia Edizioni 2012
Marjeta Drobnič

Y Leonardo?

Language of translation: Spanish
Ljubljana: Litterae Slovenicae, Tres obras de teatro 2012
Ann Catrin Apstein-Müller

Und Leonardo?

Language of translation: German
Klagenfurt: Hermagoras Verlag, Gesammelte Stücke, Band 1 2013
Darko Spasov

А Леонардо?

Language of translation: Macedonian
Skopje: Magor 2014
Kamil Valšik

A co Leonardo?

Language of translation: Czech
Ostrava: Janaček Observatory 2018
Ljudmil Dimitrov

А Леонардо?

Language of translation: Bulgarian
Sofija: Erga 2020

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