Evald Flisar    

Chestnut crown

Year of writing: 1970
"I'll tell you a dirty rhyme. Let's go to the woods, says the first devil. What are we gonna do there, asks the second devil. We're gonna look for my mother, says the first one. What are we gonna do with her, asks the second one. We'll snog her to death, says the first devil."
Total cast size: 6 (2 f, 4 m)
family, criminal behaviour, murder, incest

The past of the main protagonist Jan Hudorovec is marked with his erotic attachment to his mother. After dropping out from his studies of law he returns home, where he learns that for quite some time his mother has also been having an affair with her neighbour Geder. Jan cuts down an old chestnut tree and makes himself a crown from its twigs. He expects the crown to 'suck the worms out of his brain'. Jan and Geder start a row leading to Geder's death. Everything points at Jan as the culprit, and even the judge is convinced of his guilt; the truth however is quite different …