Iza Strehar    

It Could Be, But It Is Not

Year of writing: 2016
Anton and Leila are writing a novel leading them to discover they are in conflict with each other but also with their own selves. Next, their literary alter egos start attacking them, too.
Total cast size: 6–11 (3–4 f, 3–7 m)
love, arts, creativity, self-destruction

The central characters of the play are writers Leila and Anton, who are co-writing a novel about a couple, Daniel and Bina. It seems that the protagonists have accepted the life they live, despite having had completely different plans. Their lives are characterised by conflicts, those between the two of them and those each one has with her or himself. In the end, they find themselves in disagreement even with their fictional characters who are actually their alter egos. It is only through writing about their own life story that they are made to accept the truth.

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For the author's contact please write to sigledal@gmail.com.