Tone Partljič    

Maister and Marjeta or Memoirs of a Municipal Secretary

Year of writing: 1998
“Hello, mister comedy writer? --- Yes, anonymous citizen speaking. I have in my possession the memoirs of a former municipal secretary. Perfect for a comedy.”
Total cast size: 17 (7 f, 10 m)
politics, authority, conformism, historical personalities, small-mindedness

Marjeta spent all her life working as a secretary. Her first job was with the Communist Party, she later moved on to work for various workers’ unions and finally got employed by the mayor’s office. When she retires, a statue of Rudolf Maister speaks up from her office cupboard. She had put it there years ago, when the governing regime wouldn’t allow for it to be erected. Now, the statue instructs Marjeta to record her memoirs which depict the changes of Slovenian society through history. After Marjeta’s death, her daughter Irena, representing liberal capitalism, sells the memoirs. For Irena, this is an act of revenge on her father who had never acknowledged her as his daughter or cared for her.

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