Tone Partljič    

Monologues of a Sober Actress

Year of writing: 1984
“But this was more a joke, fooling around, this happened to others, too … And so I got used to it, first in the company of others, after rehearsals or opening nights. There was always something to celebrate, in theatre there is a lot of this …”
Total cast size: 1 (1 f)
play for one performer
alcoholism, theatre, identity crisis

Monologues of a theatre actress talking about her life and work in a theatre where actors, especially women, need to constantly fight for roles. Failure and an abundance of opportunities led her to alcoholic hell. In search of finding her way back into society and a new life, she joins a therapy group. The monologues are presented to the audience mainly through the process of therapy and they expose the problem of alcohol in theatre.

Full script can be accessed via Digital Library of Slovenia.

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