Tone Partljič    

There is No Pike

Year of writing: 1973
"And I am no little pike, especially not yours.”
Total cast size: 10 (4 f, 6 m)
conflicts, media, relationships, money

A branch office of Radio Centre wins an award for the most homogeneous radio staff team. The employees cannot decide on how to use their award when they receive an unexpected visit. Peter, an intern, brings a letter to the editorial offices from the general manager of the station saying that Radio Centre will also be giving out an award for the most meritorious individual employee in the branch. Award hunting season opens with every employee trying to influence Peter. When even the second round of voting gives an inconclusive result, an even deeper chasm divides the staff. For Peter, this is the last straw causing him to leave the editorial offices. The situation is solved by a phone call from the general manager saying that the individual award is not going to be presented at all.

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