Evald Flisar    

Uncle from America

Year of writing: 1994
“I was afraid there wasn’t enough of me – that I will seem like an empty vessel. I had to stuff myself with old newspapers, made-up events. Achievements that God gave others, even though I asked Him nicely to remember me from time to time.”
Total cast size: 11 (4 f, 7 m)
drama, Slovenian family tragi-comedy
clash of generations, relationships, lies and truths, money

The arrival of an uncle from America (Janez) shakes up the dynamic of relationships in a typical (Slovenian) family. It soon transpires that individual members are driven by selfishness, envy, ambition and that they are not nor have ever been honest with one another. In fact, their past, their relationships, their financial condition, everything is based on a lie.

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For the author's contact please write to sigledal@gmail.com.