Iza Strehar    

Every Vote Counts

"Fuck, in this country we celebrate every menstrual cycle … Which one is The Reformation Day again and which one is Independence Day? I still can’t tell them apart and I’ve been in politics for forty years."
Total cast size: 8 (3 f, 5 m)
politics, current social picture of the world, satire

The action is set behind the scenes during a political election campaign. Two ‘puppet masters’ decide to back a presidential candidate they both know they can influence. They start preparing him for the election. Political satire uncovers the despicable character of today’s society where money, influence and power are worth most. Elbowing one’s way to power, money or influential positions isn’t limited only to politics, but is typical also of the world of media, culture and the arts. The daughter of the presidential candidate stands out in the action of this play as she insists in her resolute feminist stance and fight against the sexist state of the world.

The script was published in the 2018/2019 season programme of Celje City Theatre.

Any use or reproduction of all or any part of this text without the written permission of the author is strictly prohibited. 

For the author's contact please write to sigledal@gmail.com.