Kalea A social-realist drama

Year of writing: 2000
"You pray to quench the longing for a home that does not exist. Not even in memory. Like a futile chasing of the rainbow.”
Total cast size: 5 (3 f, 2 m)
violence, foreigners, newcomers, immigrants, family, Roma

Kalea is a seventeen-year-old boy from a Roma family ruled by poverty, violence and alcohol. His exceptionally beautiful voice allows him to support his entire family by singing. But his dream is to be able to go to university. His father Džafer strongly opposes this dream as he prefers to earn good money with his son’s talent.

The play is a subtle account of the life and conflicts in a contemporary Roma family. It speaks of the chasm between tradition, the search for one’s identity and an ambition to quickly resolve any integration issues.

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For the author's contact please write to sigledal@gmail.com.