Jera Ivanc    

All about smokers

Leto nastanka: 2005
"A smoker is what smoker does. "
Število vlog: 3 (3 ž)

+ Dea ex machina

kajenje, nasilje, prijateljstvo

Najboljše prijateljice Camilla, Marla in Gypsy se vsaka na svoj način spoprijemajo s svetom, ki mu vlada neusmiljen diktat zdravja in v katerem družba ostro preganja kajenje in kadilce.

Strastna kadilka Marla se ne uklanja in še naprej kadi cigareto za cigareto, Gypsy si v strahu, ker je proizvodnja tobaka ustavljena, kopiči zaloge cigaret v kleti, Camilla pa je prestopila na drugo stran in postala zaupna članica organizacije, imenovane LAW, Liberation Army of Women, ki želi ljudi “osvoboditi” razvade kajenja.

You call yourself a decent smoker?  
I don’t smoke while others eat and I deny the existence of the ‘Last  One’. Yes, a decent smoker is what I am.
Each time I listen to you two I find proof of how damaging to one’s inner growth earthly desires can  be.  
And deprivation of earthly crops may cause serious damage to one’s brain.
It’s really not hard.
MARLA to Camilla:
OK, you stopped smoking. And looking at where things were going for the past five years – our beloved tobacco plant wiped from the face of this planet by a virus, black market crashing, each smoker with his own supply, hidden somewhere, living in constant fear of what might happen, waiting for the come of the ‘Last One’ – From that point of view, that was a very good decision. A right one. No doubt about that. That is, of course, for someone who needs decisions. But, my dear, your reasons were wrong. All wrong.

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