Simona Semenič    

beautiful vidas burn beautifully

Year of writing: 2020
"to all those witches that haven’t made it to Wikipedia or literary heritage"
Total cast size: 5 (4 f, 1 m)

čarovnice in inkvizitorka, ki jo igra moški; število čarovnic ni enoznačno določeno

intertextual references, stereotypes, violence, historical personalities, misogyny, relations of power, female perspective

The leading characters of the play are women from the past who suffered repression and stigmatisation due to their exceptional mind and desire for freedom. In the Middle Ages, many such women were presumed to be witches and were therefore burnt at the stake. Later, they were confined in psychiatric institutions, presumed insane. Desperate and disheartened, many of them took their own life. The characters belong to the past; the play however, refers to women from present time. Even nowadays, many women are victims of duplicity, violence, and repression. It is evident that levers depriving women of their basic right to make choices about their own body and their own life continue to exist in our society.

his touch is rough and slow, it probably has to be
the judge has to do his job thoroughly
icy fingers, icy and yet as if sweating
I'm not a witch
please don't bother me, he says
he grabs my left hand, raises it
naked I tremble in front of him
I tremble because I'm cold, I tremble because I'm terrified, I tremble because I don't understand
I tremble because I disgust myself
I'm here because I'm laughing too loudly
I won't laugh loudly anymore
I won't laugh anymore
he is searching for stains on the inside of my arm
under the armpit
then above the breasts

*Note: Original title Lepe Vide lepo gorijo refers to the motif from folk literature of a beautiful young woman Lepa Vida, who leaves her home and her child, lured by yearning for better life and freedom.