Mephisto's Report

Year of writing: 2002
"Good literature always speaks of its time without saying any particular words about it.”
politics, comparative literature, small-mindedness, censorship

Vasilij, an elderly professor of literature, is visited by his former student and teaching assistant Bogdan with whom he once had a good working relationship. During their re-encounter, 25 years later, Bogdan tells Vasilij how he had been indicted for researching forbidden subjects and not permitted to continue his research. Searching through archives, Bogdan found that the snitch nicknamed Mephisto was in fact professor Vasilij. Alongside the accusations Bogdan reveals that during his search he also found a dossier on Vasilij himself and the secret name of his snitch which suggests that the informant might be the professor’s wife.


While we waited we were bored, so we rummaged around a bit... And look here, damn it! We found your notes...

The bigger man pulls a bunch of papers from behind his back...


Give me that! That’s my research...


We know, yes.


It has been brought to our attention.


That’s not against the law... I mean, if one has notes at home...


You’re really a joker!


He who writes also thinks. And according to your notes, you think in a wrong way. And, you see, that is not right.


I write down whatever I want.

Erica Johnson Debeljak

Mephisto's Report

Language of translation: English

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