Check Mate A lesson in moral reform for husbands and wives

Year of writing: 2005
"I think our new government with such an eager Minister of Work, Family and Moral Reform, will be able to get many useful things done.”
Total cast size: 8 (5 f, 3 m)
politics, fake morals, love triangle, betrayal, family

Check mate is a comedy, written in the style of Feydeau’s plays. The plot is based on comic action set in the flat of Mr. Kralj where his son Rudi, Rudi’s numerous lovers and his wife all show up unexpectedly. A vertiginous stampede of parallel comic situations unravels in an escalating pace. Each comic situation meticulously transitions into the next which brings surprise with its new sudden comic twist.

The author hasn’t missed the opportunity to include political satire in his comedy based on veiling and unveiling of romantic betrayals. Rudi is Minister of Moral Reform and his behaviour is the best proof that it is those in power who are most likely to break their own rules and will also be the first to do so. Vinko Möderndorfer’s comedy uses irony to scold dishonest morality. Funny and meticulously written dialogue and tense comic situations show all sides of disloyalty, the humorous and the more serious ones.

Mate Gulin

Šah mat Škola moralne obnove za muškarce i žene

Language of translation: Croatian

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