Nežka Chooses a Husband Matiček’s Wedding

Year of writing: 2009
A comedy from Slavic linguistical circles with digressional monologues
Total cast size: 4 (2 f, 2 m)
intertextual references, humour, love triangle, betrayal, wedding

It’s clear from the title that Vinko Möderndorfer was inspired by the monumental work of Anton Tomaž Linhart This Merry Day of Matiček’s Wedding. The names of the characters (Matija, Neža, Tonči) also derive from this classical work. Likewise, one of the most famous comical situations. But the modern Matiček is not a young servant at the castle. Instead, he is a middle-aged expert in Slavic languages earning his bread as secondary school teacher of Slovenian. Neža is slightly younger than him and they are a couple freshly in love. Neža finds joy in various aspects of their shared life: from culinary to those, pertaining to the bedroom. Their happiness is interrupted by Neža’s ex: a successful car dealer who shows up at their house one afternoon, when Neža is briefly on her own, and claims back his lover. This contemporary romantic travesty stands out for its funny dialogue, sparkling vocabulary of affection and eroticism and unexpected comical twists.

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