Rosa Luxemburg lives in the next street

Year of writing: 2018
“Everything happened as it has been written. Nothing happened as it was written. Everything will happen as it has been written.”
Total cast size: 13 (5 f, 8 m)

+ Prevajalec, Vojak 1, 2, 3, 4, Policisti/specialci 1, 2, 3, 4, Avstrijski uradnik, Ženska, Državna tožilka, Državni sekretar, Minister, Študent 1, 2, 3, Študentka 1, 2, 3, Uniformirani policist, Policist v civilu, Dekan, Tajnica, Državni sekretar z Ministrstva za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, Stari gospod, Turški sultan, Miklova Zala, Iskender, Zdravnik

drama, dokumentarna drama s suspenzom kriminalke
violence, discrimination, social activism, migration, refugees, spolno nasilje, ethical dilemmas, interpersonal relations, stereotypes, current social picture of the world, conflicts, better world, foreigners, newcomers, immigrants, intimna usoda posameznika, solidarnost

The play is an attempt to show the personal fate of an individual, captured in the brutal world where everyone is at war with everyone; the disintegration of human relations starts in their personal psychophysical structure. The play contains elements of a docudrama with the suspense of a crime-story structure. In the end, it turns out that the tragic story of the leading character serves merely as a screen to a much more complex employee purge within the society’s intelligence service. A number of elements in the play are real – testimonials, even records and event reconstructions – all however serving fiction and the message of the play. This is a story about a stubborn woman with a fighting spirit and true to her principles but living in a world with no principles at all; it is also a story about invisible forces in a system capable of breaking and destroying individuals, even when every ethical and moral truth speaks for them.