Three Women

Have shopping centres become a tool to achieve happiness? Can we really buy anything?
Total cast size: 3 (3 f)

+ a kind female voice, a very awkward older male voice, a kind male voice, almost feminine younger male voice, a mean male voice

class and cultural criticism of the society, pursuit of happiness, consumerism

Three Women is a play about the search for happiness in shopping centres and about the absurdity of consumerism as a modern-day religion. Vinko Möderndorfer uses his well-honed style and dialogue to display the entire misery of shopping addiction. He applies surgical acuteness to cut open the emotional abyss of each of the three women who come to the shopping centre to quench their increasingly severe spiritual and emotional void. In the story, he pushes the young woman to the edge: at the shopping centre, the youngest of the three women wishes she could buy a child. At the same time Three Women is a harsh criticism of the society and the neoliberal system generating consumer addicts in a premeditated way, in order for them to be more easily controlled and manipulated.

Full script can be accessed via Digital Library of Slovenia.

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