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# (Hashtag)

Total cast size: 2 (1 f, 1 m)

How long does eternal love last? More

one-act radio play

(Putting on air)

Total cast size: 2 (1 f, 1 m)

"Music can change the world." More

arts, creativity, manipulation, violence, family, precarious employment


Total cast size: 4 (2 f, 2 m)

Two couples and 24 hours. World Wide Web and new media widen the possibilities of human communication but do not contribute much to people understanding one another. More

inter-partner relations, love, modern technology

27, Semen Alley

Total cast size: 8 (3 f, 5 m)

In the house at 27, Semen Alley, a series of violent deaths happened. Criminal inspector Kveder has been called in to solve the puzzle, but he is doomed to fail from the very start. More

drama, absurd
sexual practices, murder, violence, humour, love triangle

Total cast size: 5 (5 f)

A play about children, written for grown-ups. Grown-ups, playing children and women playing men. Brutally graphic display of pointless violence, violence without reason or explanation, offering several starting-points for contemplating questions on social constructs of childhood, violence and gender. More

violence, stereotypes, intolerance, childhood

“Language is character. Language is rebellion.” – A play about a generation clash. More

clash of generations, family

A Bit of a Sin

Total cast size: 2 (1 f, 2 m)

What is a sin? What is a bit of a sin? More

sexual practices, sin, confession

A Bitch, a Cunt and a Faggot

Total cast size: 4 (1 f, 3 m)

The author shows a reunion of three old friends, just old enough to have given up on any unrealistic dreams about their lives. In fact, they have wasted most of their lives already but are now still at a point when there could be a ray of hope for their future. More

interpersonal relations, friendship, intolerance

A Drunken Kurent

Total cast size: 7 (3 f, 4 m)

A stage adaptation of France Forstnerič’s poetry More

poetic drama
ritual, good and evil, evanescence

A Leap Out of Skin

Total cast size: (1–4 m)

“I was fucking fed up, in and out, shower and apron on, every bloody day. If you didn’t go to work on a Saturday and Sunday you could break your back over the week and you were still worth nothing. These other fuckers slept on the job all week in the stinking exhaust shafts. They only fiddled their thumbs for a couple of hours every day and they were still like gods because they took all the weekend shifts that were paid extra." More

drama, play for one performer
suicide, working class, holidays, mine, accident, camaraderie, addiction, exploitation

"The play takes place every night from 11.14 p.m. to 11.34 p.m. and from 3.56 a.m. to 5.04 a.m.” More

ethical dilemmas, family, money, organ donation

A Log on the Motorway

Total cast size: 5 (2 f, 3 m)

To insist on principles or to give in to the ease of a conformist position? More

absence of life’s meaning, inter-partner relations

A Puppy from the Fog

Total cast size: 9 (1–6 f, 3–8 m)

What is more important for a person to have: power, money, status or wisdom, or maybe only sensitivity and the courage to dream? A story about a puppy who threw spanners in the works. More

puppet play
values, animals

A Pure Spring of Love

Total cast size: 4 (2 f, 2 m)

“I want the idiot! I demand him!” More

interpersonal relations, family, unfaithfulness, children, autism

A Tomb for Pekarna Theatre

Total cast size: 13 (3 f, 10 m)

An almost documentary recording of culturally and politically diverse chronotope More

authority, historical personalities, theatre, arts, creativity

People are just numbers; nobody asks anyone for their name any more. More

survival of the fittest, environmental catastrophe, better world

A nostalgic comedy

Total cast size: 8 (4 f, 4 m)

A Nostalgic Comedy about yearning fort times past, for emotions felt for one antoher, for things gone and most of all, for the life that is running out. More

drama, comedy
love, inter-partner relations, marriage, evanescence

A soft breath

Total cast size: 6 (4 f, 2 m)

"There, mum, this is your photo-album." More

drama, one-act play
interpersonal relations, loneliness, identity crisis, family

A witch kidnaps a bird, who has been bringing joy to a boy during his everyday chores. More

puppet play, fairy-tale
love, expedition into the unknown, Africa

Alice in crazy land

Total cast size: 11 (3 f, 8 m)

"I dreamt how beautiful it is when you have no choice." More

ethical dilemmas, environmental catastrophe, capitalism, consumerism, absurd

Alisa, Alice

Total cast size: 5 (3 f, 2 m)

This play by Draga Potočnjak is based on the Balkan disaster. Against the backdrop of a bloody war in Bosnia and Herzegovina, a human story of torture and means of torture is exposed. More

war and post-war years, violence, historical topic, trauma, sacrifice

All OK

Total cast size: 9 (5 f, 4 m)

»I am pretending to be working. That’s work, too.« More

void, absence of life’s meaning, current social picture of the world, conformism, resisting traditional ways of living and thinking, career

All Well and Good

Total cast size: 3 (1 f, 2 m)

"When you’re not here, I miss you. When you’re here, I can’t stand you. Everything is as it must be." More

family, inter-partner relations

Antigone now

Total cast size: 10 (2 f, 8 m)

"From time to time we should be reminded there are things in life which are not for sale." More

values, ethical dilemmas, politics, authority, good and evil

The author borrowed the title of his play Anywhere Out of This World from a prose poem N’importe où hors du monde by the French symbolist poet Charles Baudelaire. In the play, the author explores the (im-)possibility of escaping “out of this world”. More

fantasy play, drama, thriller, melodrama, film references
ethical dilemmas, entrapment, escape, scientists
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